Have you ever been so tired, worn out,
broken down, frustrated, hopeless and discouraged that you feel like you can’t
even make it through the day and dread facing tomorrow? Do you feel like you
are completely spent and totally done? Discouragement and disappointment both
come our way to throw us off track and make us want to give up. Both of these
things work hand in hand and Satan will use it against us all the time. Discouragement
wants to knock us down and shut us up! It wants to keep is down so that we will
not shine our light of truth in a dark world full of deceit and lies.
I have struggled to write in this blog
for a couple of weeks because honestly I have felt very discouraged. Some of my
life’s circumstances left me feeling very vulnerable which gave Satan a
opportunity to creep alongside of me and say, “See the Good Shepherd is not
interested in you. He really doesn’t care.” Then the discouragement came
bringing its companion fear. Since fear is the opposite of faith and hope, it is
designed to discourage the soul and deflate the spirit. The enemy of my soul
had deflated me.
Now I am deflated, disappointed, and feel
like I just want to quit. My situations are starting to seem Unmanageable,
Unreasonable, Unbearable, and Unfair. Inside I feel myself saying “Good
Shepherd, I just can’t take it any more. When I am frustrated, annoyed, or even
angry my inner voice starts shouting so loud that it confuses my logical mind. My
logical mind knows Satan’s target is my mind and his weapons are lies and a
subtle use of misinformation, but in my discouragement I forget he is a crafty enemy and he knows just what it takes
to destroy my hopes, happiness and my need for the Good Shepherd. He was
strangling my faith and my joy was diminishing.
I remember reading a story where Satan
once held a sale and offered all the tools of his trade to anyone who would pay
the price. They were spread out on the table and each one was labeled –
hatred, malice, envy, gossip, and lust – all the weapons that everyone knows so
well. However, off to one side lay a harmless looking instrument
It was old and worn looking but was priced far above the rest. When Satan
was asked why this was, he replied, “Because
I can use this one so much more easily than the others. No one knows that
it belongs to me, so with it I can open doors that are bolted tightly against
the others. Once I get inside, I can use any tool that suits me best.”
There are several accounts in the
Bible were Satan used his tool of discouragement very effectively. There are
many sad stories about people who lost heart and gave up. David made a decision
based upon emotional discouragement. He was down and out. He felt that he was
about to be killed. There's no indication in the Bible that God would allow
Saul to kill him. But the young man who killed the giant now found a giant
within his own heart. Worry and anxiety flooded his soul. He felt helpless and
hopeless. 1 Samuel 23:14(NLT) David now stayed
in the strongholds of the wilderness and in the hill country of Ziph. Saul
hunted him day after day, but God didn’t let Saul find him. 1 Samuel 27:1(NLT)
But David kept thinking to himself, “Someday Saul is going to get me. The best
thing I can do is escape to the Philistines. Then Saul will stop hunting for me
in the Israelite territory, and I will finally be safe.”
Discouragement says “the world is not
fair” and leaves out “the Good Shepherd is good”. It leads to doubting and
talks a lot of non-sense. It destroys faith and it leads to complaining,
murmuring, and a life of sour grapes and total defeat. Satan was using
discouragement to crush my heart’s hope in the Good Shepherd. My eyes were not
fixed on Him and I was letting the choices of others drag me down. I had forgotten
that He sees everything and His
perspective is the only one I can really trust! I was forgetting the opposite
is true:
When Satan says “your witness is a
joke. No one even notices or cares” (really
means) “You are like a blinding light in peoples faces. How can I possible
get you to turn that off?”
“Okay, so you’ve impacted a handful of
people, but that’s it”. (really means)
“The Good Shepherd is using you to take apart some of my greatest strongholds
and I have to stop you!”
Galatians 6:9(NLT) says: So let’s not
get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest
of blessing if we don’t give up. But sometimes I do get tired of doing what is
right and I do feel like giving up! But quitting can never be an option. If we
lay our weapons down, we just become an easier target for Satan. He will keep
attacking until he has robbed us of our faith to believe in the goodness of the
Good Shepherd. By listening to Satan’s lies and
becoming discouraged are we putting ourselves on the side of Satan against the
Good Shepherd? When we give into discouragement are we telling the Good
Shepherd we do not believe in His word?
When I am discouraged the Good
Shepherd cannot use me, because He uses people of faith. In my discouragement I
am saying “it just can’t be done” and that is the exact opposite of saying “I
know the Good Shepherd can do it because he has said…” He needs me to get back
up, stand straight, and face the enemy. He wants me to rise up and know who He
is! He wants me to know that this season will pass and His joy will come in the
morning. He wants me to shake the dust off and get back to work! When a
sculptor is trying to sculpt a masterpiece, the first time the hammer hits the
chisel everything is not going to fall off into a beautiful sculpture. The Good
Shepherd it still chipping away at me and that is the way life is.
What form of discouragement are you
struggling with? What depressing conclusions does Satan keep trying to form in
your brain? We need to remember what a consistent liar he is. To understand
what is really going on, you must learn to turn everything he says around…the
opposite is true.
At the end of my life all that will
matter is I pleased the Good Shepherd when I was here on earth. All He really
cares about is how I respond to Him in my soul. Did I sincerely want Him to
have his way with me. Did I make him feel honored, exalted, and blessed by the
way my soul treated Him?
Satan is going to constantly tell me
that really pleasing the Good Shepherd is a difficult thing that requires much
straining and striving to achieve. But the truth is the Good Shepherd places
great success well within the reach of every soul He created. All He requests
is that we fully submit to Him in life
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